Thursday, May 20, 2010

Post 3

So I didnt blog 2 days ago because we had no internet (but we did finally have running water!!! YAYYYYYY I LOVE TO SHOWER!) then yesterday I didnt blog because I didnt want to. Anyways, still having a great time here, although its A LOT of work. 2 days ago we went non-stop from 7am until 7:30 pm but we did get to go to their world famous cigar factory (Aurora Cigar Factory) and watch cigars get rolled which was pretty cool and then we went to a museum(Centro Leon) which was pretty cool but we werent allowed to take any pictures. By the time we got home we were EXHAUSTED and just went to bed early. So that about sums up 2 days ago. Yesterday was better... we went to the elementary school from 7:30-12:30 and then got a 2 hour lunch break at home and got to take a little power nap. At 2:30 we went up to the university, had a class then spanish class and then our second class until 7:30 and then got to go home. My friend Randall had to do his first lecture yesterday to a bunch of 8th graders about sex ed and drug ed. haha I got to watch, it was funny but he did a really good job. My room assignment isnt exactly a room assignment like most of the students have. I am with this teacher named Katherine, shes american and really cool. But she has 9th, 10th, and 11th graders in english, health, and govt. so I float around all day with her. It's pretty cool. I dont really know why I got such an older age group other than the fact that noone really wanted any grade above 3rd and I said I didnt mind where they put me so thats what I got. I like having the older grades though, they are fun and you can joke around with them. When I had to introduce myself to one of the classes I asked if they had any questions and one of the boys goes "yea... can i get your number?" haha Too bad he was only in 9th grade (Bryce, you wouldnt mind me dating someone your age would ya? haha ew.) Our schedule that we initially had for this 2 weeks here got completely changed yesterday because Tech's spring semester ended a week later and the school we are at ends a week earlier so everything is screwy because the teachers are getting the students ready for final testing this week and next week they have their testing starting on wednesday, so for today, monday and tuesday instead from going from 7:30-12:30 we are going to be here 7:30-2, have a 30 min break between 2-2:30, then have class, then spanish, then class again until 7:30 and finally get to go home after. It sorta sucks but whatever. Tomorrow we are at the school from 7:30-11:30 and then are driving to Santo Domingo for the day and get to visit the Palacio Nacional (basically their white house) and spend the day down there and then drive back in the evening for dinner with our families. Saturday morning we leave for Puerto Plata and get to stay in an all inclusive resort Sat. night and all day Sunday and beach it up. I'm REALLY excited about that! But then next weekend instead of getting to go to Rancho Bayguate and horseback ride to the Baygaute waterfall we get to have a pool party at the stupid hotel our teachers are staying at here in Santiago (which I really could care less about, I can go to the Leisure pool at tech if i want to hang out at a pool). Anyways, still having a great time, my family here is great but I gotta run now I just got told I will be giving a drug/alcohol ed lecture at noon i have to prepare for.

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